Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn

Three things you can do to relax right now

We’re generally stressed.

We have a lot going on. Children, jobs, relationships - a swirling to do list.

We’ve had chronic stress (thanks Covid). We have monthly stress (thanks menstrual cycle). We have hormone stress (menopause, puberty).

And we often walk around with a body full of tension.

So; here are three things to do to relax right now:

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A Life Worth Living Helen Duyvestyn A Life Worth Living Helen Duyvestyn

Six ways to Improve your mood

If you've ever wondered why we become depressed or anxious – believe it or not, there is a suggestion that it is in our best interest to feel this way at times. Our human brain is naturally wired to seek the 'bad' or negative in circumstances – as a life-saving strategy. In historical times, for example, it was more conducive to assume that the noise in the bush was a lion rather than a bird - for obvious reasons! The brain is constantly scanning for what might endanger us, sifting through the past to ensure we don't repeat mistakes that caused us pain (physical or otherwise) and attempting to predict the future (otherwise known as 'worry') to save us from entering into a dangerous situation.

However, this way of thinking doesn't always serve us well in the modern world. An overactive mind can contribute to a chronic state of depression or anxiety.

The good news is that we can retrain our brains.

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Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn

How to cope with Covid division

We are being exposed to friends and family members that have very different viewpoints from ours. The result of which can leave us feeling confused and threatened. I recently experienced a person who is non-vaccinated, non-mask wearing, who failed to inform a family member that they were Covid positive. The family member lives with my 95 year old father. The family member now has Covid.

Needless to say, my blood was boiling.

But I am hearing stories from other friends, family member and also clients.

How do we cope, when our best friend who we have known and trusted ‘forever’ suddenly appears to ‘be on the other side’? How do we cope when the family member who isn’t vaccinated and will not test, still wants to come to the family dinner? How do we cope when a person we know, refuses to wear a mask to the supermarket, not for legitimate reasons - apart from their belief that ‘Covid is just a sniffle’? How do we cope when you are friends with someone who isn’t vaccinated and uses a ‘fake vaccine passport’ to go to cafes and socialise?

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Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn

Breakfast Pancakes (GF, DF, SF)

Good mental health is also about eating well.

Some of you may have realised that your body and mind do better when it doesn’t consume certain products - such as gluten or dairy. There is some evidence that consuming gluten or dairy can be detrimental to some mental health conditions.

Many of you have asked - and it’s taken me a while to perfect these - but here is THE recipe for the ultimate breakfast pancakes. Here is THE recipe for the ultimate breakfast pancakes.

They are gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free and quite simply delicious. I have them every weekend almost without fail.

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Mind Food, Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn Mind Food, Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn

When Not to Meditate

Meditation is often promoted to be a cure all treatment for all sorts of issues; anxiety, depression, sleep problems, chronic pain etc etc. But there is a 'deeper' aspect to meditating which is often glossed over by the modern attitude for a quick fix. Sometimes meditating doesn't change a lot, but instead brings us deeper in touch with ourselves

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Mental Health Nursing Helen Duyvestyn Mental Health Nursing Helen Duyvestyn

Seven Ways to Improve Resilience

Improving your mental resilience

If you are suffering from low mood, stress, anxiety or simply not feeling as well mentally as you feel you should be – there are a number of avenues you can pursue to help improve your mental well-being. Building resilience ideally needs to take a multi-pronged approach. There isn't just one factor that contributes to mental illness, feeling stressed or mental well-being - and likewise the best forms of treatment use a number of modalities to support recovery.

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A Life Worth Living, Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn A Life Worth Living, Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn

You are okay.

I can’t tell you, how many times I say to someone - “you are okay”, “there is nothing ‘wrong’ with you”.

You body or your mind (or both) are reacting the way they are because something happened to you.

You may not know what that is. But often you have an idea. But you have pushed it away, deep down because you had too.

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Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn

Mini moments of Mindfulness

Don't have time to meditate?

Want to practice mindfulness but never find the space in your day?

I know. Life is busy. And even if you had regular meditation / mindfulness practice - there are times when it falls off the radar. Although there is nothing like a regular practice, sometimes ‘something’ is better than not doing it at all.

Here is the solution.

“Mini moments of Mindfulness”

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