The Mini-Book Original


The Mini-Book' is a compact and portable resource for mental well-being that can be easily carried in a pocket, purse, or bag. It provides quick access to valuable information and practical tips wherever you go, making it convenient for busy lifestyles and on-the-go support.

In moments of stress, anxiety, or uncertainty, having a pocket-sized guide to mental well-being can offer immediate support and reassurance. The Mini-Book provides actionable strategies and coping techniques that can be implemented on the spot to help manage difficult emotions and situations effectively.

"The Mini-Book" takes a holistic approach to well-being, addressing the interconnectedness of physical, emotional, and mental health. It offers insights and practices that promote overall wellness and resilience, empowering individuals to nurture their well-being on multiple levels

Despite its small size, the Mini-Book covers a wide range of topics related to mental well-being, including stress management, self-care practices, mindfulness exercises, and strategies for maintaining balance and perspective in daily life. It serves as a comprehensive resource for enhancing mental health and building resilience.

The Mini-Book offers an affordable and accessible option for individuals seeking resources to support their mental health and well-being. Its low cost and accessibility make it a practical investment for anyone looking to prioritize their mental wellness without breaking the bank.

If you purchase one for you and one for a stressed-out friend - use the code: minibook 20 to get 20% off!

(Discount Applies to all mini-book purchases over $20)

Postage is FREE within New Zealand. $5 for overseas

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The wisdom in this mini-book has been accumulated from over 20 years of working within the mental and physical health fields. It is the tool I use as part of my work with people who need a tangible, easy go-to reminder of what can help when we are stuck. (You can find out more about me - a registered nurse with a Master's in Health Science at

The content has been summarised, bundled and packaged to be delivered directly to your mind in a simple, easy-to-read format. In the small wee pages, you will find knowledge and reminders as to:

- How to find joy in your life again

- A simple guide to meditation and mindfulness

- The foundational ‘basics’ of mental health and how to apply them

- Space for writing

- A tool to help you create your best future self

- Gratitude exercise prompts

- How to break rumination thoughts - and more!